【 日本はイタリアと並ぶ美術国家】国際美術史学会の代表や美術史学会の副会長を務める田中先生が断定!|世界を代表する美術史研究の権威ある見地から、天平、飛鳥文明の遺産は、特に、明らかに断定しなければならない美術価値を持つ。これらの説明を素晴らしく解説。田中英道[Japan is an artistic nation on a par with Italy] Dr. Tanaka, who serves as the representative of the International Art History Association and vice president of the Art History Association, declares this! | From the perspective of someone who has studied the world’s leading art history, the Tenpyo and Asuka civilizations in particular have artistic value that must be clearly declared. These explanations are explained wonderfully. Hidemichi Tanaka

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