【緊急!拡散希望!パブコメのお願い!~12/14まで】長崎大に「人類史上、最も危険なウイルス」エボラウイルスを持ち込んでよいですか?住民の反対を無視し強引に遂行!東京(東村山)国立研究所ではエボラ研究が既に稼働中!長崎大のエボラ研究施設を長崎原子爆弾投下場所のすぐ近くに準備中の新たな重大な危険(悪名高き武漢研究所と同じ施設にて稼働中)林千勝 国民の命を守る会 Urgent! Please share! Public comments requested! Until 12/14] Is it okay to bring the Ebola virus, “the most dangerous virus in human history,” to Nagasaki University? Ignoring the opposition of residents and forcing it through! Ebola research is already underway at the National Laboratory in Tokyo (Higashimurayama)! A new serious danger as Nagasaki University’s Ebola research facility is being prepared right next to the site of the Nagasaki atomic bomb (operating in the same facility as the infamous Wuhan laboratory) by Hayashi Chikatu
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