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〒812-0011 福岡市博多区博多駅前 2-19-17 トーカン博多第5ビル 11階1105号室

【偏向報道に惑わされない】【英語字幕/日本語訳付き】【多角的に要点解説】【和平に向け重要な交渉中!何が起きたのか?】【その首脳会談後、トランプの思いを語る!】「我々は、平和を望んでいます。 10年も続くような戦争に巻き込まれたり、かけ引きするつもりはありません。」トランプは(平和へ)とゼレンスキーは(戦争を継続)なぜ、ホワイトハウスで激論となったか? その後、何が起きた?ヨーロッパはウクライナを支えられるか? 【トランプとゼレンスキーの和平に向けた交渉で】ゼレンスキーは、裏組織と共に巨額の金儲けの為に、ウクライナ戦争をさせ続け国民の命を犠牲に奪い続けている。世界各国から得た支援金の半数にあたる数百兆ドルの巨額の使途不明金の存在も明らかになっている。辞任に追い込まれるだろう。by HARANO TIMES [English subtitles/Japanese translation included] [Important negotiations for peace underway! What happened?] [Trump shares his thoughts after the summit!] “We want peace. We don’t want to get involved in a war that will last 10 years or get involved in bargaining.” Why did Trump (for peace) and Zelensky (continue the war) have such a heated argument at the White House? [Multifaceted explanation of the main points.] What happened after that? Can Europe support Ukraine? [Trump and Zelensky in negotiations for peace] Zelensky continues to wage a war in Ukraine and sacrifice the lives of its citizens in order to make huge amounts of money together with his underground organization. It has also been revealed that there is a huge amount of unaccounted funds, amounting to hundreds of trillions of dollars, which is half of the aid money he received from countries around the world. He will be forced to resign. by HARANO TIMES

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