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参照 curious matrix


アポフィスの直径は約340 メートル (1,100 フィート)と推定され、地球表面から31,860 キロメートル (19,794 マイル)以内を通過します。この距離は遠いように思えるかもしれませんが、実際には一部の衛星の軌道よりも近いのです。



参照:2025 年に地球に何が起こるでしょうか?

興味深い事実:アポフィスは 2004 年に初めて発見され、当初は 2029 年または 2036 年に地球に衝突する可能性が高いと考えられていました。しかし、その後の観察と計算により、衝突の可能性は排除されました。







財産 価値
発見 2004年6月19日
発見者 ロイ・A・タッカー、デイビッド・J・トーレン、ファブリツィオ・ベルナルディ
名前の由来 エジプトの混沌の神
直径 約340メートル
最接近(2029) 地球から31,200キロメートル
最接近(2036) 未定
潜在的な影響(2029年) 除外
軌道周期 約324日
構成 ケイ酸塩岩、ニッケル、鉄、その他の金属で構成されていると思われる
学習機会 将来の科学探査と研究のための宇宙ミッションの潜在的なターゲットとして検討されている
脅威評価 影響のリスクは低いが、継続的な監視と予測の改良が進行中である。



単純化されたモデルを使用して、衝突時の小惑星の運動エネルギーに基づいて大まかな計算を行うことができます。運動エネルギーの式は、1/2 x 質量 x 速度2です。質量を計算するには、アポフィスの密度を推定する必要があります。これは通常、岩石の密度とほぼ同じで、 1立方センチメートルあたり約2.5グラムであると考えられています。

これらの仮定を踏まえると、アポフィスは控えめに言っても秒速 20 キロメートル (小惑星としては低いほう) で移動しているとしましょう。

直径をメートル(340 メートル)に変換し、球形であると仮定して、球の体積の公式(4/3 x π x 半径3 )を使用して質量を計算します。



体積 = 4/3 × π x (半径) 3 = 4/3 × π x (170) 3 ≈ 6.16 × 10 7立方メートル


質量 = 体積 * 密度 ≈ 6.16 × 10 7立方メートル * 2.5 グラム/立方センチメートル ≈ 1.54 × 10 11キログラム


運動エネルギー = 1/2 × 質量 × (速度) 2 ≈ 1/2 × 1.54 × 10 11 kg × (20,000 m/s) 2 ≈ 3.08 × 10 19ジュール

したがって、直径が 340 メートルの場合、衝突時に放出される運動エネルギーは莫大なものとなり、TNT 火薬換算で数万メガトンに相当する可能性があると推定されます。


アポフィス衝突の推定運動エネルギー: 3.08 × 10 19ジュール
広島の原子爆弾(リトルボーイ)によって放出されたエネルギー: 約 63 テラジュール(6.3 × 10^13 ジュール)

実際、アポフィスが衝突時に放出したエネルギーは、広島型原爆が放出したエネルギーの約488,000 倍です。



すでに結論づけられているように、アポフィスは 2029 年にも 2036 年にも地球に衝突することはありません。しかし、2050 年や2100 年はどうでしょうか?





What Will Happen To Earth In 2029? Looming Catastrophe?
The Earth’s Close Encounter: Will Asteroid Hit Us In 2029?

By Curious Matrix -March 5, 2024
Asteroid in space
In 2029, Earth will experience a rare cosmic event that has scientists and astronomers around the world excited. On April 13th of that year, the asteroid Apophis will come closer to our planet than any other known asteroid of its size.

Apophis is estimated to be around 340 meters (1,100 feet) in diameter and will pass within 31,860 kilometers (19,794 miles) of Earth’s surface. While this distance may seem far, it’s actually closer than the orbit of some satellites.

This close encounter with Apophis has raised concerns about the potential for impact. However, scientists have calculated that the asteroid will not hit Earth in 2029.

Instead, the flyby will provide a unique opportunity for researchers to study Apophis and gather data that will help determine its future trajectory.

See also: What Will Happen To Earth In 2025?
Interesting fact: Apophis was first discovered in 2004 and was initially thought to have a high probability of colliding with Earth in 2029 or 2036. However, subsequent observations and calculations have ruled out the possibility of impact.
So let’s find out more about this interesting asteroid.

Asteroid Apophis Flyby
Asteroid colliding with Earth
As mentioned in 2029, the asteroid Apophis will make a close approach to Earth, coming within 19,794 miles of our planet’s surface.

There are many interesting things about this asteroid, starting with his name.

The name “Apophis” originates from ancient Egyptian mythology. In Egyptian belief, Apophis (also known as Apep) was a serpent or dragon deity representing chaos and destruction.

The choice of this name for the asteroid reflects the potential threat it poses to Earth due to its close approaches and the chaos it could cause if it were to collide with our planet.

Just like the mythical Apophis threatened the order of the cosmos, the asteroid Apophis represents a potential disruption to the order and safety of our world.

See also: What If Theia Never Hit The Earth?
Key Data About Apophis
Eiffel Tower
Property Value
Discovery June 19, 2004
Discovered by Roy A. Tucker, David J. Tholen, and Fabrizio Bernardi
Name Origin Egyptian god of chaos
Diameter Approximately 340 meters
Closest Approach (2029) 31,200 kilometers from Earth
Closest Approach (2036) To be determined
Potential Impact (2029) Ruled out
Orbital Period Approximately 324 days
Composition Likely composed of silicate rock, nickel, iron, and other metals
Study Opportunities Considered as a potential target for future space missions for scientific exploration and study
Threat Assessment Low risk of impact, but continued monitoring and refinement of predictions are ongoing
See also: When And How Will Humans Go Extinct?
Theoretical Strength of the Impact
Theoretical Physics
Even though scientists calculated that there is zero chance that Aphopis will hit Earth it is interesting to hypothesize what kind of impact would that be.

So let’s do some math.

To indulge in a speculative estimation, let’s consider a scenario where Apophis, with its estimated diameter of 340 meters, collides with Earth at a velocity typical for asteroids in its class, which can range from 20 to 70 kilometers per second.

Using a simplified model, we can make a rough calculation based on the kinetic energy of the asteroid upon impact. The kinetic energy formula is 1/2 x mass x velocity2. To calculate the mass, we’ll need to estimate the density of Apophis, which is usually assumed to be similar to the density of rock, around 2.5 grams per cubic centimeter.

Given these assumptions, let’s say Apophis is traveling at a conservative speed of 20 kilometers per second (which is on the lower end of the scale for asteroids).

We’ll convert the diameter to meters (340 meters) and calculate the mass using the formula for the volume of a sphere (4/3 x π x radius3), assuming a spherical shape.

After calculating the mass, we’ll use the kinetic energy formula to estimate the energy released upon impact. Keep in mind that this is a rough estimation and actual impact energy could vary based on numerous factors.

So, let’s see the final calculation:

Volume = 4/3 × π x (radius)3 = 4/3 × π x (170)3 ≈ 6.16 × 107 cubic meters

Now, let’s find the mass of Apophis:

Mass = Volume * Density ≈ 6.16 × 107 cubic meters * 2.5 grams/cubic centimeter ≈ 1.54 × 1011 kilograms

Finally, we’ll calculate the kinetic energy using the velocity:

Kinetic Energy = 1/2 × Mass × (Velocity)2 ≈ 1/2 × 1.54 × 1011 kg × (20,000 m/s)2 ≈ 3.08 × 1019 joules

So, with a diameter of 340 meters, the estimated kinetic energy released upon impact would be enormous, potentially equivalent to tens of thousands of megatons of TNT.

And finally, let’s compare the estimated kinetic energy of the impact of Apophis with the energy released by the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima:

Estimated Kinetic Energy of Apophis Impact: 3.08 × 1019 joules
Energy Released by Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima (Little Boy): Approximately 63 terajoules (6.3 × 10^13 joules)
Now, let’s put these figures into perspective:

The estimated kinetic energy of the impact of Apophis, with a diameter of 340 meters, is significantly higher than the energy released by the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
In fact, the energy released by Apophis upon impact is approximately 488,000 times greater than the energy released by the Hiroshima bomb.
This plain comparison emphasizes the huge destructive potential of asteroid impacts and highlights the importance of monitoring and potentially mitigating the threat posed by near-Earth objects like Apophis.

While the Hiroshima bomb had disturbing consequences, the impact of a large asteroid like Apophis could cause catastrophic damage on a much larger scale.

And so with that, let’s ask the final question:

When Will Aphophis Hit Earth if Ever?
Astronomical impact
As already concluded, Apophis will not hit Earth in 2029, nor in 2036. But what about 2050 or 2100?

Well, based on recent calculations, Apophis will also not hit Earth in the next 100 years.

And while scientists can’t predict with 100% certainty how Apophis will behave, typically, an asteroid similar in size to Apophis, which measures around 370 meters, is expected to collide with Earth approximately once every 80,000 years on average.

So, we can feel really safe. At least for now.

And in such a distant future (thousands of years from now), we will definitely develop new technologies that will be able to destroy asteroids far away from Earth.

See also: What If A Needle Hit The Earth At The Speed Of Light

Post Author: akali

