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全国有志医師の会より のメルマガ発信です。
皆さま、こんばんは。 10月1日から2025年3月末の間に予定されている新型コロナワクチンの定期接種ですが、改めてお伝えします。
4.HP 更新・イベント情報
・累計進達受理件数累計認定数 7,738件 (未審査1,765件)
・死亡一時金または葬祭料に係る件数を含む累計認定数 713件 (未審査437件)
1)10月1日「新型コロナワクチン」定期接種開始 本年10月1日より、
1.ファイザー 販売名:コミナティRTU筋注 一般名:コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)修飾ウリジンRNAワクチン オミクロン株対応 https://my159p.com/l/m/FeVivxaNQ41fqN
2.モデルナ 販売名:スパイクバックス筋注 一般名:コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)RNAワクチン 1価:オミクロン株XBB.1.5 https://my159p.com/l/m/YxZxkNV2qJIbVp
3.第一三共・東大医研 販売名:ダイチロナ筋注 一般名:コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)RNAワクチン オミクロン株XBB.1.5系統対応 https://my159p.com/l/m/Nd3MYh8h4YfSH3
4.武田薬品 組み換えタンパクワクチン
販売名:ヌバキソビッド筋注 一般名:組換えコロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)ワクチン https://my159p.com/l/m/veTqScww7qKWvk (注)以下は7月25日時点で「10月1日定期接種」への供給には間に合わないという情報があります。
5.Meiji Seikaファルマ mRNAレプリコンワクチン(起源株対応)
販売名:コスタイベ筋注用(開発コード:ARCT-154)成人用初回免疫用・ブースター用 一般名:コロナウイルス(SARS-CoV-2)RNAワクチンhttps://my159p.com/l/m/ZsLVihfA9roFuC
実際は各医療機関が医薬品卸会社を通じて使用するワクチンを注文したのち、各自治体・市町村に請求を行います。 実質的には各医療機関がどのワクチンを使用するかの判断を行うことになります。
2) 新型インフルエンザ等対策政府行動計画「閣議決定」 コロナ禍を繰り返す恐れのある重大な懸念材料としてメルマガの特集で何度もお伝えしてきた「新型インフルエンザ等対策政府行動計画(案)」ですが、7月2日正式に閣議決定がなされました。
最も懸念されたワクチン接種については、平時からワクチンの研究開発などを推進することが行動計画に盛り込まれており、過去最大の約19万件ものパブリックコメントの民意が果たして反映されたのか、政府への不信感と共に危機感を抱いています。 https://my159p.com/l/m/p6GxHjgRdlhqvH
・【内閣感染症危機管理統括庁】新型インフルエンザ等対策政府行動計画 target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>https://my159p.com/l/m/lBhxE0uSatXBxO
そんな中、武見敬三厚生労働大臣は7月19日、中国の保健衛生当局のトップである雷海潮(らい・かいちょう)国家衛生健康委員会主任と北京市内で会談し、ワクチンや製薬開発に関する協力を進めていく考えを表明しました。 https://my159p.com/l/m/QnHkgBi4BOvklY
本年12月2日〜5日にはここ日本の兵庫県・淡路島において、世界各国の感染症に関する有識者が集まり、次回のパンデミックに備える:コロナウイルスの進化、病原性、ウイルス学に関する「Cold Spring Harbor Asia会議」という国際会議が開催されます。 https://my159p.com/l/m/Vgcr4hykaIFeyw
最後に本メルマガで様々な情報をお届けしていますが、インターネット上において「違法な偽・誤情報」と選定されてしまえば当会の情報も皆さまに届かなくなってしまう可能性があります。 そんな憂慮する問題が、実際にインターネット上のウソや誤情報の対策を議論する総務省の有識者会議において提言案が出されました。 https://my159p.com/l/m/UVh5m28CyLJAtO
提言案には、違法な偽・誤情報について、事業者に対応の迅速化のための申請窓口の整備、一定期間内の判断・通知や、発信を繰り返す人の投稿削除、アカウントの停止などを確実に実施する方策を求めることが盛り込まれています。 総務省は今後、法整備も視野に検討を進める意向を示しており、私たちの言論空間に大きな影響を与える可能性があるため法整備を含めたこの動きにも注視していく必要があります。 最新情報は当会HPに随時掲載しますのでぜひご確認ください。
2.ワクチン接種関連情報 ・米国のコロナ禍
・新型コロナ感染者増加、「夏に感染拡大が生じる可能性」…厚労省初の有識者ヒアリング https://my159p.com/l/m/ph7Flk1dqHRhRR
・新型コロナ中和抗体薬、160万人分を廃棄へ…変異で治療効果減少 https://my159p.com/l/m/ZaPHuf8ZGJrCFb
・累計進達受理件数 進達受理件数11,540件 (未審査 1,765件)
累進進達受理件数1,422件 (未審査437件)
累進進達受理件数567件 (未審査281件)
累進進達受理件数17件 (未審査10件)
【PMDA(独立行政法人 医薬品医療機器総合機構)への副作用報告方法】
・医療従事者 https://my159p.com/l/m/ujI8z4e2Z3h8WE
・患者のみなさま https://my159p.com/l/m/hI0R0UhPboScZi
・全国有志医師の会ニュースレター バックナンバー Vol.66(6月13日号) https://my159p.com/l/m/7zJZOIuCwL3sRb
・厚生労働省 疾病・障害認定審査会 審議結果
・イベント情報 当会ホームページに随時更新中
募集 当会メルマガへの感想やメルマガ会員の皆さまへ伝えたいメッセージなどを募集します。 送り先:mail-maga@vmed.jp
●引用について メルマガ内容をご活用の際は、当会の引用元を明記の上ご活用いただくようお願いします。 なお、引用文の変更・修正は固く禁止しております。
Translated English version
[The following is translated by Google Translate.]
This is an email newsletter from the National Association of Volunteer Doctors.
Good evening, everyone. We would like to inform you again about the routine COVID-19 vaccinations scheduled to take place between October 1st and the end of March 2025.
Even though it is a routine vaccination, vaccination is “optional.”
We ask that everyone who is considering getting vaccinated
make their decision with the utmost care.
== … Starting October 1st of this year, regular vaccinations with the COVID-19 vaccine against the new Omicron strain “JN.1” and its derivatives will begin.
The target population for the vaccination will be people aged 65 and over, and people aged 60-64 with severe underlying conditions. The national government will subsidize part of the vaccination cost to municipalities, and the self-pay amount is expected to be up to about 7,000 yen.
For those who are not eligible, the vaccination will be “optional” and in principle, the full cost will be borne by the person themselves.
The vaccination period is scheduled to end on March 31, 2025, as set by each local government.
Now, several pharmaceutical companies have come forward to provide the regular vaccinations that will begin this time.
◆New coronavirus vaccines scheduled for use in routine vaccinations in 2024
1. Pfizer Brand name: Comirnaty RTU intramuscular injection Generic name: Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) modified uridine RNA vaccine, compatible with Omicron strain https://my159p.com/l/m/FeVivxaNQ41fqN
2. Moderna Brand name: Spikebax intramuscular injection Generic name: Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) RNA vaccine, monovalent: Omicron strain XBB.1.5 https://my159p.com/l/m/YxZxkNV2qJIbVp
3. Daiichi Sankyo/University of Tokyo Institute of Medical Sciences Brand name: Daichirona intramuscular injection Generic name: Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) RNA vaccine, compatible with Omicron strain XBB.1.5 strain https://my159p.com/l/m/Nd3MYh8h4YfSH3
4. Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Recombinant Protein Vaccine
Brand name: Nuvaxovid Intramuscular injection Generic name: Recombinant coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) vaccine https://my159p.com/l/m/veTqScww7qKWvk (Note) As of July 25, there is information that the following will not be available in time for the “October 1 regular vaccination.”
5. Meiji Seika Pharma mRNA Replicon Vaccine (for the original strain)
*Replicon is also known as the next-generation self-replicating vaccine.
Trade name: Costaibe intramuscular injection (development code: ARCT-154) for primary and booster vaccination in adults Generic name: Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) RNA vaccine https://my159p.com/l/m/ZsLVihfA9roFuC
As mentioned above, each pharmaceutical company is currently developing and selling vaccines, but for this regular vaccination, each municipality will select the vaccine to be used from among the pharmaceutical companies.
In reality, each medical institution will order the vaccine to be used through a pharmaceutical wholesaler and then make a request to each municipality. In reality, each medical institution will decide which vaccine to use.
As soon as we have more information about the regular vaccination that will start on October 1st, we will continue to inform you in this e-mail newsletter.
Even if it is a regular vaccination, vaccination is “optional”.
For those who are considering vaccination, we would appreciate it if you would make an extremely careful decision and tell those around you.
2) Cabinet Decision on Government Action Plan to Counter New Influenza and Other Infectious Diseases The “Draft Government Action Plan to Counter New Influenza and Other Infectious Diseases,” which we have mentioned many times in our newsletter features as a major cause for concern that could lead to a repeat of the COVID-19 pandemic, was officially approved by the Cabinet on July 2nd.
Regarding vaccination, which was the greatest concern, the action plan includes promoting vaccine research and development in peacetime, and this has left us with a sense of crisis and distrust for the government, wondering whether the public opinion of the approximately 190,000 public comments, the largest number ever, was actually reflected in this plan. https://my159p.com/l/m/p6GxHjgRdlhqvH
・[Cabinet Agency for Infectious Diseases Crisis Management] Government Action Plan for Countermeasures against New Influenza and Other Infectious Diseases https://my159p.com/l/m/lBhxE0uSatXBxO
Meanwhile, on July 19, Health, Labor and Welfare Minister Keizo Takemi met with Lei Haichao, head of China’s health and hygiene authorities, in Beijing, and expressed his intention to advance cooperation on vaccine and pharmaceutical development. https://my159p.com/l/m/QnHkgBi4BOvklY
Unfortunately, the current situation is that, without verifying or reflecting on the COVID-19 countermeasures, they are pushing ahead with making vaccines and medicines available for emergency use, in other words, for immediate clinical application, under the guise of fundamental revisions.
On December 2-5 this year, experts on infectious diseases from around the world will gather here in Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, to hold an international conference called “Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference on Preparing for the Next Pandemic: Coronavirus Evolution, Pathogenesis, and Virology.” https://my159p.com/l/m/Vgcr4hykaIFeyw
Finally, we deliver various information through this newsletter, but if it is selected as “illegal false or misinformation” on the Internet, our information may not reach you. Such a worrying issue was actually proposed at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications’ expert meeting to discuss measures against lies and misinformation on the Internet. https://my159p.com/l/m/UVh5m28CyLJAtO
The proposal includes a request for measures to ensure that businesses are able to respond quickly to illegal false and misinformation, to make decisions and notifications within a certain period of time, to delete posts from people who repeatedly send such information, and to suspend their accounts. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has indicated its intention to continue its review with a view to establishing laws, and as this could have a major impact on our public discourse space, we need to keep a close eye on this movement, including legal provisions. The latest information will be posted on our website from time to time, so please check it out.
2. Information related to vaccinations ・The coronavirus pandemic in the United States
・Increase in COVID-19 infections, “Possibility of infection spreading in the summer”…First expert hearing by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare https://my159p.com/l/m/ph7Flk1dqHRhRR
・1.6 million doses of COVID-19 neutralizing antibody drug to be discarded…Mutation reduces therapeutic effect https://my159p.com/l/m/ZaPHuf8ZGJrCFb
・Moderna and Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma sign a joint promotion agreement for mRNA respiratory vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, in Japan
・Shingles vaccine to be routinely administered to 65-year-olds
3. Status of relief for health damage caused by COVID-19 vaccine and number of reported suspected side effects
◆ Status of relief for health damage caused by COVID-19 vaccine (as of July 11)
[Cumulative number]
・Cumulative number of cases submitted Number of cases submitted 11,540 (unreviewed) 1,765 cases)
7,738 approved
2,020 denied
17 pending
[Cases related to death lump sum or funeral expenses]
1,422 progressive pension applications accepted (437 unexamined)
713 approved
266 denied
6 pending
[Disability pension]
567 progressive pension applications accepted (281 unexamined)
101 approved
185 denied
0 pending [Disabled child support pension]
17 progressive pension applications accepted (10 unexamined)
1 approved
6 denied https://my159p.com/l/m/Q49Q359XVPehae
◆Number of suspected adverse reactions (reported on January 28, 2024)
No updates since April 15, 2024
・Deaths: 2,193
・Number of adverse reactions reported: 37,051
・Number of serious cases: 8,988
[How to report adverse reactions to PMDA (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency)]
・Medical workers https://my159p.com/l/m/ujI8z4e2Z3h8WE
・Patients https://my159p.com/l/m/hI0R0UhPboScZi
4. Website updates and event information
・Newsletter from the National Association of Volunteer Doctors Back Issue Vol.66 (June 13th issue) https://my159p.com/l/m/7zJZOIuCwL3sRb
・Results of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Disease and Disability Certification Review Board
・Event information Updated regularly on our website
5. [Voices of email newsletter members]
We are looking for your thoughts on our newsletter and messages you would like to convey to our newsletter members. Send to: mail-maga@vmed.jp
*We will send your comments anonymously, taking into consideration the urgency and importance of the message and will not identify you as an individual. Please note that depending on the content received, it may be revised or may not be published.
Publisher information
National Association of Volunteer Doctors Email Newsletter Secretariat
[Official website]
●About citations When using the contents of the newsletter, please make sure to clearly indicate the source of the quote from our association. Please note that any changes or modifications to the quoted text are strictly prohibited.