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⛩ 古神道とは、幸せの為に古代、1万~4万年昔から古代の人々があらゆる体験された知恵が加え続け生活習慣の知恵として伝承されてきました。自然から得た生活様式の知恵が神道です。教義はありませんし、戒律もありません。ですので、宗教ではありません。神道「しんとう」の名は仏教の伝来から呼ばれるようになりました。それまでは、道(みち)です。御道(おんみち)と呼ばれていましたし現在も変わりません。
⛩ Ko-Shinto is a wisdom that has been passed down since ancient times, 10,000 to 40,000 years ago, to which ancient people have added all kinds of experiential wisdom, and has been passed down as a way of life for the sake of happiness. Shinto is wisdom obtained from nature. It has no dogmas, and no precepts. Therefore, it is not a religion. The name Shinto “Shinto” came into use with the introduction of Buddhism. Before that, it was called Michi (path). It was called Onmichi (path of God), and it remains the same today.
In Japan, lifestyle refers to a “way of life” that is expressed and reflected in an individual’s outlook on life, values, and economic conditions. It is fluid and influenced by the times, trends, geographical conditions, age, income, and other factors, and is not fixed in a “this is how it must be!” It is important to understand the meaning of this lifestyle, as it is Shinto itself.
Supplementary Note: The fact that Shinto is not a religion is actually common knowledge and taken for granted all over the world, so let’s study the difference carefully. Shinto has no precepts or doctrines. This is the criterion for whether it is a religion or not.
It is important to clarify this difference because the end of religion is coming soon, including the scientific cult that began with Descartes. All science is a cult religious group (I will write about why it is called a cult religion in another article) that was born in contrast to religion (doctrines and precepts that encompass the spiritual world), so naturally it has a tendency to ignore the sensitivity of spiritual life and try to dominate with science alone. Therefore, the more science advances in control, the more danger, fear, and destruction will increase, which will have a major impact on the survival of the Earth.
This is a value shared by the Omote clan (Koshinto, Yatagarasu, Yamakage 80th generation), as well as the head priests and priests of Shinto shrines. Shinto has been steadily spreading throughout the world since the Jomon period. Christ’s role ended in 2000 AD. We are graduating from the era of character education based on the doctrines of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and other religions. Then, the world of Maitreya (creation of the heavenly world) began. The current situation is that a swell approaching its completion is occurring all over the world.
by akari legend
This year in particular is a crucial year for paving the way to create a new world that will mark an important turning point. I know I’m repeating myself, but this is a very important time, as each and every one of you will, your consciousness, and your habits will be the force that will lead the world to the world of Maitreya. If we take one wrong step, we will be swallowed up by a scientific cult, and the world will become incredibly unfortunate.
Let us recognize that this is a year in which we will pave the way to determine the next thousand years, and share the situation we are in.
I’ve added this because it’s very important.
The most effective words to chant in order to pave the way to the world of Maitreya and fulfill your wishes are
Achimalkam 31 times. Please chant 31 times every day.
by editor
【宗教ではありません。】No1(動画 11:45)
What is Shinto/Koshinto?
[It is not a religion.] No.1(Video 11:45)
土御門 兼嗣 深草秦氏の第135代宮司、高千穂天磐境大社宮司 兼嗣
神道・古神道とは?No2(動画 18:41)
土御門 兼嗣 深草秦氏の第135代 宮司、
高千穂天磐境大社宮司 兼嗣
What is Shinto/Koshinto? No.2(Video 18:41)
[It is not a religion.]
Kanetsugu TSUCHIMIKADO The 135 head priest of the Fukakusa Hata clan, Kanetori Chief priest of Takachiho Amenoiwasakai Taisha Shrine As a descendant of a clan
“STRONG Vengeful Ghosts Are Active Scouts!? Why?
Because,The spirit of Shinto is that everyone matters”
■Team-Samurai Reiwa’s Last Samurai Kanetsugu Tsuchimikado Fan Club ・There are benefits such as watching full videos and watching unreleased videos. ▼From here https://team-samurai.pagedemo.co/
performer profile ■Kanetsugu TSUCHIMIKADO The 135 head priest of the Fukakusa Hata clan, Kanetori Chief priest of Takachiho Amenoiwasakai Taisha Shrine As a descendant of a clan that once had influence from the center to the south of Kyushu, From his childhood, he was taught Koshinto, Onmyodo and martial arts. The origin of the family ‘Fukakusa Hata clan’ served Jinmu Tosei (Eastern expedition of the Emperor Jinmu). He mainly worked between Nara/Katsuragi and Kyoto/Fukakusa. At the time of the transition from Heijokyo to Nagaoka-kyo and Heian-kyo, he used techniques that were conscious of peace for 120 years. He promoted the transfer of the capital. During the Meiji Restoration, shrines located in Fukakusa at that time were confiscated and destroyed. He was forced to work in the Okinawa area. Mainly focusing on Onmyodo, he had a relationship with the Imperial Court and continued to support them especially through special affairs. Until his early 30s, he worked for the largest foreign IT company, but when he became seriously ill, he quit and became independent. He became paralyzed on his left side, but a year later he was able to walk as an embodiment of ancient Shinto and martial arts. To be able to perform activities with almost no aftereffects (only a small amount of left face remains). Later, he applied this opportunity to divination and appraised it. It is shocking that he was able to determine not only the date but also the time and cause of the collapse. Taking this opportunity, he relearned what he had learned by word of mouth in earnest from the beginning. For a while after his return, he efficiently utilized his lost strength, He founded five companies by utilizing the entrepreneurial method utilizing Onmyodo. Partly due to the growth of the IT industry, the company plans to create a consolidated business entity with annual sales of 2.1 billion. In 2008, his grandfather became a guest of Yomi and took over as head of the family. With this as an opportunity, to unravel the reality of family lines and old literature that had been buried until now, The contents of the kuden will be examined more deeply. Conduct verification on a daily basis to establish Initiate activities to systematize and communicate confirmed information. After the 3.11 earthquake and tsunami, we were particularly asked to apply our wisdom to support start-ups and management in various fields. As a result, he was involved in the management of more than 4000 companies. In 2015 (2015), he was given the surname ‘Tsuchimikado’ and named himself Tsuchimikado. The name Tsuchimikado has been given since ancient times with the expression ‘a wish to govern a troubled world.’. It is not related to the Abe Tsuchimikado family and has a history of more than 2600 years. The successive leaders of the Hata clan have given their positions corresponding to the times It was granted only to Kanetsugu, the 135 th head of the family. The chief priest of Takachiho Amenoiwasakai-taisha Shrine is not an ordinary shrine. It is the ancestral shrine of the Hata clan and is not open to the public. Through the process of this release, we hope to encourage more people to connect with the ancient Shinto They are expanding their activities to build a new shrine as a place where people can feel it. “Samurai Kaiun Ho” (VOICE), which was first published in January 2025, has sold a total of 40,000 copies in 7 editions. It’s a bestseller. ■Hananomiya Yaima He loved to move his body from his childhood, and, under the influence of his father, he learned karate (a first-dan black belt). Watching swordsmanship and martial arts, or being exposed to information, gives me a strange feeling that excites my soul. On the other hand, by being too sensitive to the movement and energy of a person’s mind, breathing becomes difficult and It’s hard to live. trying to do something about the mind, the subconscious, waves, quantum mechanics, I study brain science. After that, I learned meditation and yoga (National Yoga Alliance RYT200) in earnest. Yoga instructor, SUP yoga instructor. Observe your breathing and mind on a daily basis, and through practicing yoga, your mind and body You can feel it changing rapidly. Through further exploration, he encounters Energy Work (Reiki) and his life changes drastically. Since Reiki originated in Japan, he realized the importance of spirituality as a Japanese. The soul is greatly shaken. Major themes of “Japan” and “Harmony of the Earth” sprang up. He aspires to “enhance the spirituality of humankind,” including himself. Today, by living in a secluded area (Hanase) in Kyoto, By practicing self-sufficiency and living in harmony with nature, Experience “Abundant Abundance” from “Abundant Abundance.”
出演者プロフィール ■土御門兼続 深草秦氏の第135代宮司、高千穂天磐境大社宮司 兼続 かつて九州中部から南部にかけて勢力を誇った一族の末裔で、幼少より古神道、陰陽道、武術を学ぶ。家系「深草秦氏」は神武東征に仕えた。主に奈良・葛城と京都・深草を拠点に活動。平城京から長岡京、平安京への遷都の際には、120年間にわたり平和を意識した術を駆使し、遷都を推進した。明治維新の際には、当時深草にあった神社は没収、破壊された。沖縄方面での活動を強いられた。陰陽道を主にし、朝廷と関係を持ち、特に特務を通じて朝廷を支援し続けた。30代前半まで外資系IT最大手企業に勤めていたが、大病を患ったことを機に退職し独立。左半身不随となったが、1年後には古神道と武術の体現者として歩行が可能となり、後遺症もほとんどなく活動できるようになる(左顔がわずかに残るのみ)。後にこの機会を占いに生かし、鑑定。倒れた日取りだけでなく、時間や原因までも言い当てることができたのは衝撃的。これを機に口伝えで学んだことを本格的に一から学び直した。復帰後しばらくは、失った体力を効率的に活用し、陰陽道を活用した起業手法で5つの会社を設立。IT業界の成長もあり、年商21億の連結事業体を作る予定。 2008年(平成20年)、祖父が黄泉の国客となり家督を継ぐ。これを機に、これまで埋もれていた家系の実態や古文献を紐解くべく、口伝の内容を更に深く検証。日々検証を行い、確定した情報を体系化し発信する活動を開始。3.11の大震災後、特に叡智を働かせて各分野の起業・経営支援に尽力。その結果、4000社以上の経営に携わる。2015年(平成27年)に「土御門」姓を賜り、土御門を名乗る。土御門姓は古来より「乱れた世を治める願い」を込めて贈られている。安倍土御門家とは無縁で、2600年以上の歴史を持つ。秦氏の歴代当主は時代に応じて役職を授けられてきましたが、これは135代当主の兼続のみに与えられたものです。高千穂天磐境大社の宮司は、普通の神社ではない。秦氏の祖霊社であり、一般には公開されていない。今回の公開を機に、より多くの人に古来の神道とのつながりを感じてもらえればと願い、新たな神社を、人々が感じられる場所として築いていく活動を広げている。2024年1月に初版刊行した『侍開運法』(VOICE)は、7刷で累計4万部を売り上げるベストセラーとなっている。 ■花宮八百万 幼少の頃から体を動かすことが大好きで、父親の影響で空手を習っていた(黒帯初段)。剣術や格闘技を見たり、情報に触れると、魂が躍るような不思議な感覚に襲われる。一方で、人の心の動きやエネルギーに敏感になりすぎることで、呼吸が苦しくなり、生きづらくなることもあるという。心、潜在意識、波動、量子力学をどうにかしたいと思い、脳科学を勉強。その後、本格的に瞑想とヨガ(全米ヨガアライアンスRYT200)を学ぶ。ヨガインストラクター、SUPヨガインストラクター。日々、自分の呼吸や心を観察し、ヨガを実践することで、心と体がどんどん変わっていくのを実感。さらに探求を続ける中で、エネルギーワーク(レイキ)に出会って人生が激変。レイキが日本発祥であることから、日本人として精神性の大切さを実感。魂が大きく揺さぶられる。「日本」と「地球の調和」という大きなテーマが芽生えた。自分を含めた「人類の精神性を高める」ことを志す。現在は、京都の人里離れた地域(花背・はなせ)に住み、自給自足を実践し、自然と調和した暮らしをすることで、「豊かな豊かさ」から「豊かな豊かさ」を体感している。