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【Make Earth Great Again】A Message from Japan to the World – by Professor Masayasu Inoue, who Exposes the WHO Plot to Depopulate Earth with Vaccines


A Message from Japan to the World – by Professor Masayasu Inoue, who Exposes the WHO Plot to Depopulate Earth with Vaccines

A stunning message to the world warning of ‘a dangerous, new governmental development’ was delivered from Japan at a World Council for Health conference by Professor Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School who specialises in Molecular Pathology and Medicine.

He warned that “There is high risk that Japan made vaccines will be exported under the guise for false trust.

If Japan were to become a vaccine perpetrator, it would leave irreparable harm to future generations. Therefore, the actions of Japanese government MUST BE STOPPED by international collaborations.”




During a Press Conference in Geneva on 22 March 2024. Mr. Izumi Kamijo who is a member of the steering committee for the World Council for Health (WCH) Asia and World Council for Health Japan introduced Professor Inoue by first asserting “the nightmare will continue if we don’t do anything against this new governmental development in Japan.
A new type of project. Professor Inoue is going to talk about this dangerous development which would end up in a much bigger catastrophe.”
The message from Professor Inoue can be seen below or read in the transcript below the video.
トランスクリプト付きの記事を読む こちら:
Thank you very much for giving me this valuable opportunity to send my message about human rights abuse in the time of COVID-19.

My name is Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School. My specialty is Molecular Pathology and Medicine.

The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world. A plan was set up to shorten the time to develop vaccines, which usually takes longer than ten years to less than one year.
Operation Warp Speed. This operation was used to cover up the misconceptions of the genetic vaccines. Under the pretext of saving time, an extremely dangerous method was selected.
That is, intramuscular injection of viral genes to produce toxic spike proteins directly in human tissues to stimulate immune system.

Because this is a completely new method and misconceived method that has never applied before in human history, it is impossible, therefore, for most of doctors to give proper informed consent.

However, due to irresponsible government and media campaigns to promote vaccines, 80% of the Japanese has been vaccinated.
Unfortunately, seven shots have been done so far. This is the most and worst in the world.

And the result was the induction of the terrible drug induced injury that has never seen in human history.

I believe that the fraudulent use of experimental gene therapy to healthy people, particularly to healthy children, is an extreme violation of human rights.

However, Keizo Takemi, Japanese Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, has been insisting that there is no serious concern about the injury caused by genetic vaccines.

And without learning from the current situation of injured patients, they plan to construct a new vaccine production system in preparation for the next pandemic.

This is an unbelievable, crazy situation.
The Japanese government is first in the world to approve a new type of vaccine called self replication replicon vaccine, and plans to start to supply it in this fall and winter.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is providing a huge amount of subsidies for this project.

And factories to produce new vaccines are being built one after another in Japan. I visited these factories directly.
Furthermore, the Japanese government is currently soliciting large scale clinical trials worth $900 million from pharmaceutical companies that are taking on the challenge of developing vaccines to prepare for the next pandemic by Disease X proposed during the Davos conference this year.

It is speculated that the movement by the Japanese government is part of CEPI Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation’s 100 days mission, which aims to shorten the time to one third of Operation Warp Speed.

Namely, they are trying to shorten the vaccine business cycle by developing a vaccine in hundreds of days. This is possible only by ignoring the human rights perspective.

Amendments to the WHO, International Health Regulation (IHR), and the so called Pandemic Treaty, which are about to be adopted at the 77th World Health assembly this year, are attempting to give rationality and legal binding force to such unscientific and dangerous crazy plans.
If such things continue, there is high risk that Japan made vaccines will be exported under the guise for false trust. If Japan were to become a vaccine perpetrator, it would leave irreparable harm to future generations. Therefore, the actions of Japanese government MUST BE STOPPED by international collaborations.
Although it has already been three years since I started to give lectures to educate Japanese people about the dangers of vaccines, it is still difficult to penetrate through the sound barriers of mainstream media.

If we tell the truth about vaccines on YouTube, it is deleted within a day. The reality is that we are facing censorship and speech suppression almost every day.
Therefore, I put my hope in the publication of a book with the last version of speech and published a book with a title “Withdraw From WHO” It is difficult to stop this movement because it is now politically hopeless to change the situation of the Japanese government.

The message I would like to cover convey to the world is that when Disease X occurs in the future, you should never trust the Japan made vaccine that was developed in a short period of time in order to protect human rights in cases of control that transcend national boundaries.
I believe that sharing the truth and countries is so important and that this is a step towards unity and solidarity.

Only through the process of information exchange between all countries in the world, we can find hope in the midst of despair. I do hope that my statement will help all of you to protect your healthy life and your family.

Thank you very much for your attention.
– Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School.
The full video can be seen here – [VIDEO SOURCE]
World Council
– 大阪市立大学医学部名誉教授 井上正康教授。
ビデオの全編は、こちらでご覧いただけます – [ビデオソース]
12 weeks ago
I’m not sure there’s 10% of the population that can understand and believe the truth as we know it. Most would only accept limited forms of the truth, but understanding the big picture isn’t easy, and it’s not a perfect science by any means. This is especially true because most of us have all grown up learning lies.
It’s time for truth and healing to occur, and let the chips fall where they may. I’ve heard that the natural limit for human survival here on earth is about 10 billion. We’re at 8 billion now, but that’s going down at a 20%+ faster rate now because of mRNA.
Just like you I am worn out, and I see the need to more shift internal more. Also like you I have that never give up spirit.
Love you brother! 🙏🙏🙏🦋♾️⚔️

12 週間前
私たちが知っている真実を理解して信じることができる人が人口の 10% いるかどうかはわかりません。ほとんどの人は限られた真実しか受け入れませんが、全体像を理解するのは簡単ではありませんし、決して完璧な科学ではありません。私たちのほとんどが嘘を学んで育ってきたので、これは特に当てはまります。
真実と癒しが起こる時が来ています。結果はどうあれ受け入れましょう。地球上での人間の生存の自然な限界は約 100 億人だと聞きました。現在は 80 億人ですが、mRNA のおかげで 20% 以上速いペースで減少しています。
兄弟、愛しています! 🙏🙏🙏🦋♾️⚔️
8 件のいいね

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12 weeks ago
Thanks brother.. I agree with you, and I am 100% certain that it is WAY less than 10%. The way I see things, it’s not even 10% of 10%. A couple of years back I began to feel that all the things that are now (becoming) so obvious, to a very few, could very well be, and probable were, and are, the Higher Hand in ‘human’ affairs.. In Nature all that does not deserve a place on this Earth, or is too weak, is systematically being removed, in whatever way. Some years back I accepted this notion, even more deeper, than I had ever done before. I am now very okay with it that ‘human’ elements, that are going against all logic, all common sense, all health thinking, are now reaping the results from their own unGodly stupidity and choices. Why not? It is the only logical and Natural way for things to ultimately correct themselves and a healthy world to ultimately be restored.
ありがとう、兄弟。私もあなたの意見に賛成です。10% よりはるかに少ないことは 100% 確信しています。私の見方では、10% の 10% にも満たないのです。数年前から、ごく少数の人にとっては今や非常に明白になっているすべてのことが、おそらく「人間」の問題における上位の力であり、またそうである可能性もあると感じ始めました。自然界では、この地球上に居場所を置かざるを得ない、または弱すぎるものはすべて、どのような方法であれ、体系的に排除されています。数年前、私はこの考えを、これまで以上に深く受け入れました。私は、すべての論理、すべての常識、すべての健康的思考に反する「人間」の要素が、神に背く愚かさと選択の結果に苦しんでいるのを、今ではまったく問題視していません。なぜそうしないのでしょうか? 物事が最終的に正され、健全な世界が最終的に回復される唯一の論理的かつ自然な方法だからです。
12 weeks ago
The ignorant miss what is going on, with their tightly shut eyes and uncomprehending minds.
The evil CELEBRATE this tragedy, because darkness fills their hearts.

12 週間前


11 weeks ago
Anyone know where to find Professor Masayasu Inoue’s book “Withdraw From WHO”?
11 週間前
井上正康教授の著書「WHO からの脱退」がどこにあるか知っている人はいませんか?
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4 weeks ago
The book by Dr Inoue、”Why I Am Calling for Withdrawal from WHO、Risking My Life” is available at Amazon Japan. It is in Japanese and the English version is not available.
4 週間前
井上博士の著書「なぜ私は命をかけてWHOからの脱退を求めるのか」は、Amazon Japan で入手可能です。日本語版で、英語版はありません。
11 weeks ago
I don’t know.. I’m guessing that that can be a great challenge.. I just tried finding it, but the globalist spiderweb doesn’t show it anywhere.
1 like
11 weeks ago
When you look at the book he shows, the cover is in Japanese, so maybe it has not been translated?? (yet??)
11 週間前
1 like
4 weeks ago
I forgot the name of the website, but you can try the way back portal
11 週間前
彼が示した本を見ると、表紙は日本語なので、翻訳されていないのかもしれません?? (まだ??)
1 like
3 weeks ago
As if it couldn’t get any worse, self-replicating vaccines now! Time to bunker up.
3 週間前
これ以上悪くなることはないとばかりに、今度は自己複製ワクチンです! 避難する時間です。

Post Author: akali

