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First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Steve for putting himself in the shoes of the Japanese people and sending out such a patriotic, courageous, and persuasive message about Japan.
Recently, there are an increasing number of foreign tourists who come to Japan with the intention of insulting and destroying Japanese culture. I feel that the people need to recognize that the problem of cultural destruction is occurring prominently, and come together to learn courageous actions and countermeasures, and add to the current situation.
Through the work I have been doing for 35 years, and from what I have heard from my clients, I feel that in the last 30 years, a bold generational change of values has certainly occurred in Japan in many ways, and Japanese society is changing rapidly. The basic environment that allowed people to live in Japan with peace of mind has weakened considerably, and even Japanese people are beginning to feel cramped.
I feel that the basic environment that allowed people to live in Japan with peace of mind has weakened considerably, and people’s mental space has narrowed.
Now, at sacred shrines and temples in Japan, we cannot silently overlook clearly blasphemous acts. Shrines and temples are not amusement parks.
We cannot allow people who do not know how to protect the sanctity to enter and worship.
There are many countries that have very strict national laws and deal with acts like the one in the video.
This is because it is an act that would damage and destroy the life of the believers, the people, and the people, who have historically treasured it as the spiritual foundation that is most important to them.
If we think about it simply in terms of peace, this is a serious situation that cannot be overlooked lightly in any country. If it is starting to occur frequently here in Japan, especially in the heart of Japanese culture, which is the largest in the country, it is not a trivial matter.
As Japanese citizens, we need to be aware that this is a very serious situation and take firm action and deal with it. It will cause discomfort and great emotional wounds to those who are pro-Japan overseas.
We welcome pro-Japan people like Steve. Also, thank you very much for dealing with this in this way.
Japan’s heritage is a treasure for the world and the lifeblood of the Japanese spirit.
This is not the time to overlook it for the sake of money.
As a response, we can establish our own ordinances for the tourism industry and each prefecture, so we must urgently take measures both domestically and internationally through thorough education and public relations.
We need to solve the problem before it gets worse by using all possible means both inside and outside the country.
In a sense, the destruction of the nation’s cultural heritage may sound a bit excessive, but it is a national crisis.
Each and every Japanese citizen is required to respond with courage and unity.
If we wait for the government to act, there is a possibility that it will become a harem instead.
It will quickly become a slum like California.
I think that we should also consider forming our own police functions and self-defense organizations if possible.
As he says, the structure of Japan has been already changed drastically from 30 years ago, and danger is now close at hand.
I think Kyoto in particular is being targeted.
It may not be the time to be complacent about making money.
Those at temples, shrines, commercial facilities, and other such facilities need to be courageous and provide stricter education to tourists, and take a firmer stance against lawless foreigners.
To achieve this, I believe we need a vigilante-like presence in strongly organized towns and cities.
As an example, the Public Relations Department will tell “Japan’s precious ancient heritage (shrines and temples, culture, lifestyle, and proud historical spirit) is important to people all over the world, so please refrain from slanderous behavior. Traveling to Japan means visiting some of the world’s greatest cultural heritage sites. Please enjoy your sightseeing while observing proper etiquette.”
When you go, you must be a tourist with manners that you can properly observe.You are going to the world’s greatest cultural heritage.
It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, or if you have a religion or not.
Don’t do to others what you don’t want done to you.
Don’t do to other countries what you don’t want done to your country.
Don’t do to other religions what you don’t want done to your religion.
This takes precedence over individual freedom.
Because you yourself are one of people in.
This is because it is the golden rule, the truth of humanity that exists all over the world, in every religion, country, and ethnicity.
Furthermore, let’s use our wisdom to act while valuing the Japanese perspective so that there are more people like Steve both at home and abroad. And let’s nurture our friends around the world, who can respond in this way, and spread this knowledge both at home and abroad.
And I hope that this importance will become common sense for each and every person around the world.
Because you yourself are one of those people.
We Japanese who are able to respond in this way should spread our activities both at home and abroad, and together with our friends all over the world.
And I hope that the importance of this becomes common sense for everyone around the world.
From the spirituality that allows peace and security through the Onmichi community, the Buddhist doctrine of pursuing individual ideals was born, and we have become a community and nation with a rich spiritual culture unique to the Japanese people.
Japan has had abundant nature since ancient times, and the rich spirituality of caring for one another has been cultivated as a community through the Onmichi (path of faith), which has grown into the Japanese people of today. There are no precepts or doctrines. Therefore, it is not a religion.
Onmichi is an entity that has accumulated and passed down the wisdom necessary for a lifestyle since ancient times.
Therefore, Onmichi is the most tolerant entity in the world, with the power to assimilate everypeople.
Because the community of Onmichi brings peace and security, the Buddhist doctrine of pursuing individual ideals was born and the Japanese spiritual culture community and nation has been growup.
However, if such problems become rampant and become commonplace, the abundant nature will become a desert.
Therefore, we must protect the center of life of the Japanese spirit. Let’s be careful and take protective action while protecting it until we are confident in our measures.
In order to pass on to the future of Japan all of the culture that our Japanese ancestors have protected since ancient times,and to prevent such immoral acts and violent acts at shrines and temples from becoming commonplace and becoming a normal occurrence,this has become a major issue that we cannot take our eyes off of.
As a first step, as one of the countermeasures, wouldn’t it be a good idea to prepare the words of the gods of each religionand share and educate them as public relations materials?
In Japanese terms, people should have been told these things from a young age.
This applies to all ethnic groups.
All blasphemy is punished by God
Don’t do it. It’s blasphemy.
So stop it.
冒涜とは、神や神聖なものに対して大きな敬意を示さないこと、あるいはそのような敬意を示さない発言や行為を指します。 十戒の 1 つである「汝の神、主の名をみだりに唱えてはならない」は冒涜を禁じています。
According to the Bible, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is an unforgivable sin, while other sins and blasphemies can be forgiven:
Matthew 12:31–32
“Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven”.
Mark 3:28–30
“Truly I tell you, people will be forgiven for their sins and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”.
Blasphemy is defined as showing great disrespect to God or something holy, or saying or doing something that shows this disrespect. One of the Ten Commandments, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain”, forbids blasphemy.
Whether it’s Christianity, Islam, or Judaism, the religious standard is that there are moral doctrines and precepts.
Doctrines of this kind always exist. I think it would be effective to appeal based on the doctrines and precepts of each religion.
Each of the major religious organizations exists in Japan, so we ask for their cooperation and work together to advance educational measures.
Also, use authority. The tourism industry and Shinto and Buddhist organizations can work together with prefectural governments and municipalities to establish their own ordinances, so it is important to take urgent and authoritative measures.
Those who will be facing them directly will need courage as they will be on the ground.
Please be aware that there are still many countries where moral education is not thorough.
It is important for each Japanese person to raise their awareness, but unfortunately, Japanese culture cannot be protected by measures aimed only at Japanese people. It is impossible.
Let’s use authority and power wisely as well.